
A few miles inland from the Caribbean Sea is a tropical jungle paradise that is home to toucans, tapirs, armadillos, frogs, and five cat species, including jaguars.
In 2018, our supporters helped secure 8,154 acres of this wildlife corridor through the Jungle for Jaguars appeal. Following on from this success, another 1,818 acres became available at the Buy an Acre price of £100 per acre. These two pieces of land provide a vital connection between existing protected areas managed by our partner, the Corozal Sustainable Future Initiative (CSFI).
In 2021, WLT joined an international consortium of NGOs to save the Belize Maya Forest, a 105,000 ha (260,000-acre) reserve adjacent to our first ever Buy an Acre project, the Rio Bravo Conservation Management Area. Buy an Acre supporters funded the protection of 512 ha (1,267 acres) in a reserve that forms part of the largest intact forest area remaining in Belize.

Sierra Gorda in central Mexico contains a matrix of different habitats with a broad spectrum of plant diversity.
In 2018, donations to Buy an Acre and Saving Mexico’s Ancient Forests appeal, together with generous support from Puro Fairtrade Coffee, funded the purchase of 2,106 acres. Our partner Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda (GESG) was able to extend three reserves in Sierra Gorda: Canon del Fresno (ancient oak forests), Hoya Verde (cloud and temperate forest) and Cerro Prieto Cerro la Luz (Oak, Cyprus, Juniper and Pine forests).

Barba Azul reserve is part of an incredible savanna landscape that floods every year, creating forest islands of Motacu Palms. These islands are an oasis for wildlife, providing food for the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw and shelter for mammals such as Giant Anteater and Maned Wolf.
Without protection, these forest islands are threatened by logging, hunting and cattle ranching. In 2014 supporters to Buy an Acre funded 3,306 acres of a 14,827 acre extension which doubled the size of the reserve, now owned and protected by our partner Asociación Armonía.

Now named the Laguna Grande Sarstún Reserve, this is one of the most diverse projects ever supported by Buy an Acre.
A donation of £100 could have bought an acre of mangrove (feeding habitat for the Neotropical Otter), flooded forest (an important transition habitat) and mountain forest (containing hundreds of bird species).
Today Laguna Grande Sarstún is a haven for tropical wildlife, with 84 mammal species recorded including endangered species such as the Guatemalan Black Howler Monkey and Baird’s Tapir.

Since 2012, World Land Trust (WLT) has been working steadily with NCEcuador to fund the purchase and protection of land within the River Nangaritza valley, a complex mosaic of ecosystems including Amazonian lowlands, Andean foothills and Sandstone plateaus similar to Venezuelans “Tepuys” (table top mountains).

El Pantanoso Reserve is located within the northern Argentine Yungas forest and covers around 10,900 acres (4,400 hectares). The reserve is strategically important because it forms a corridor between Calilegua National Park on its southern border and Estancia Urundel, a large tract of contiguous sustainably managed forest.