Big Life Foundation

Big Life Foundation


Big Life envisions a world in which conservation supports the people and people support conservation. Operating in Kenya and Tanzania, it seeks to protect and sustain East Africa’s wildlife and wild lands, including one of the greatest populations of elephants left in East Africa.

Big Life’s objective is to use innovative conservation strategies and collaborate closely with local communities, partner NGOs, national parks, and government agencies. Their program objectives are organised around four main themes: wildlife protection, human-wildlife conflict mitigation, habitat protection, and community support.


Big Life Foundation was founded in 2010. Since its inception, Big Life has expanded to employ hundreds of local Maasai rangers—with more than 40 permanent outposts and tent-based field units, 14 vehicles, tracker dogs, and aerial surveillance—protecting 650,000 ha (1.6 million acres) of wilderness in the Amboseli-Tsavo-Kilimanjaro ecosystem of East Africa.

A herd of elephants in Amboseli
Partnership with WLT

WLT became partners with Big Life in 2022.

Through the Action Fund, WLT are able to fund land protection, allowing Big Life to continue their vital work in the 77,000 ha (190,000-acre) Greater Amboseli ecosystem, an internationally recognised UNESCO Biosphere Reserve under the Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB).



Saving the Greater Amboseli ecosystem’s wildlife corridors

Our first project together will safeguard two crucial wildlife corridors in Eselengei, the northernmost tract of intact wilderness in Greater Amboseli. Listed by Kenya Wildlife Services as a priority ‘Endangered Ecosystem/Area’, Eselengei is home to 24 globally threatened species (14 birds and 10 mammals) and holds particular importance for lions and elephants.


Other Projects and Activities

Alongside their project with WLT, Big Life have a number of other projects and activities running concurrently. Some of these are:

• Anti-poaching schemes, with over 300 rangers trained, and multiple permanent outposts and mobile units set to tackle the pervasive issue of poaching head-on.

• Wildlife crime and anti-trafficking initiatives. Big Life employs Maasai rangers from local communities, expertly trained and well-equipped to tackle a multitude of wildlife crimes.

• Rhino protection. Big Life actively protects the seven known Critically Endangered Eastern Black Rhinos that live in their area of operation. Their ultimate aim is to maintain the Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) status of the surrounding area.

• Big Life also has a dedicated tracker dog unit, allowing them to swiftly and effectively track poachers in the wild.


Contact Details

Website: Big Life Foundation

CEO: Benson N. Leyian