Missouri Botanical Garden - Madagascar Programme (MBG-Madagascar)

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The Missouri Botanical Garden is headquartered in the USA and in 1987 it launched its Madagascar Programme (MBG-Madagascar), which today is committed to understanding and safeguarding the island’s unique, diverse and highly threatened flora, and their ecosystems. Focused in and around 11 Priority Areas for Plant Conservation, MBG-Madagascar collaborates with communities at the local level to protect the rich biodiversity of the island and the natural heritage of the Malagasy people.



Since the 1970s, MBG-Madagascar’s work has focused on understanding and preventing the loss of Madagascar’s uniquely rich and irreplaceable floral diversity. Home to 11,500 vascular plant species – at least 82% of which are endemic – the Malagasy flora stands out as a global priority for research and conservation. For decades MBG-Madagascar has carried out vital work to discover, describe and database flora species through inventory, taxonomic research, assessments of the risk status of species, and analyses to identify priority areas for plant conservation.

Except for its international Technical Advisor, all 90 of MBG-Madagascar’s permanent staff are Malagasy, and all rangers and plant nursery staff are recruited locally. Their work to preserve their floral heritage has helped demonstrate the global importance of conserving and restoring Madagascar’s forest fragments, where many locally endemic plants cling to existence.

A male Collared Brown Lemur sitting in a tree

Partnership with WLT

World Land Trust (WLT) has been in contact with MBG-Madagascar since 2018 and we formally became partners in 2023, marking the beginning of a project to expand and protect the highly threatened Ankarabolava-Agnakatrika forests which were once part of a vast arboreal expanse covering the entire eastern region of Madagascar.

With WLT funds, MBG-Madagascar will expand the Ankarabolava-Agnakatrika Protected Area by acquiring an additional 200 ha of degraded habitat surrounding the existing protected lands. This will then be restored to native forest with a special focus on improving the status of certain tree species that are now very rare at this site. WLT funds will support 12 rangers as well as other MBG-Madagascar staff working on the project. As part of the project, MBG-Madagascar will also provide 30 tree nursery training opportunities for local people, who will then be compensated to produce and plant the 500,000 native trees on the acquired land: skills that they will then be able to transfer to establish their own nurseries, producing young plants for sale.



Please see our Madagascar page.

Other Projects and Activities

Since MBG-Madagascar’s first intervention at this site in 2009, and especially following Ankarabolava-Agnakatrika’s designation as a new protected area in 2015, the site-based team have overseen the activity of community patrols to discourage shifting cultivation and the illicit exploitation of timber. In addition, through local committees, the team have informed and facilitated the sustainable harvesting of natural resources in some specially defined parts of the site.

Grants from different donors have also enabled special time-limited interventions including:

  • Improvements to local schools
  • Planting of 156,000 seedlings of fast-growing non-native trees on degraded land outside the reserve as an alternative to the wood from native trees
  • Voluntary land exchanges allowed to return 59 ha to the protected area, with 85 farmers working land within the protected area to enable them to leave the forest and access land of at least equivalent value outside of the reserve.
  • Producing and planting around 75,000 seedlings from 70 native tree species, restoring 59 ha of plots within the forest that have been abandoned by farmers
  • Engagement of 1,000 young people in tree-planting activities and raising awareness of lemur conservation
Three people watering saplings in a nursery in Madagascar
MBG working with and for the community
Awards, achievements & milestones

Since the establishment of MBG-Madagascar in 1987, our partner has achieved the following:


  • Published scientific research to name and describe hundreds of “new” plant species
  • Supported the largest botanical discovery program anywhere in the world in modern times
  • Databased information associated with hundreds of botanical publications and hundreds of thousands of herbarium specimens (both historical and recent), contributing to the creation of the most comprehensive freely available database on Malagasy flora
  • Identified 79 orphan Priority Areas for Plant Conservation in Madagascar
  • Supported masters and doctoral studies of over 100 Malagasy students
  • Built capacity within Madagascar’s national herbaria


  • Through research and consultations with diverse stakeholders, developed the dossiers enabling the designation of 11 Priority Areas for Plant Conservation as protected areas officially recognised within the national protected area network
  • Managed 11 newly designated protected areas for plant conservation in collaboration with local stakeholders to improve their conservation status while improving local livelihoods

As part of this work MBG-Madagascar’s site-based conservation teams have:

  • Implemented 35 development projects including the construction or improvement of one clinic, nine classrooms, one dam, three bridges, three markets and scores of wells
  • Installed and annually maintained 35 km of firebreaks
  • Supported daily patrols from 100 community rangers
  • Created six field gene banks
  • Each year produced and planted around 50,000 seedlings of native trees for use in the restoration of native forest
  • Supported the out-planting of 1.5 million seedlings of non-native trees onto degraded land as an alternative to the use of wood from native trees
  • Supported hundreds of awareness-raising events including village film shows, radio broadcasts, biodiversity festivals and nature rambles for students
  • Monitored the results and impact of their work, ensuring that the right lessons are learnt and shared

Contact Details

Website: mobot.mg
Conservation Unit Coordinator: Jeannie Raharimampionona