Privacy Policy Statement


This is the website of World Land Trust (WLT).

World Land Trust (WLT) needs to keep and process certain personal information in order to:

  • fulfil our charitable objectives and meet our responsibilities to our supporters;
  • carry out our day-to-day operations;
  • maintain our financial and administrative records;
  • comply with our statutory obligations.

WLT treats all personal data in our care with respect.  We are committed to ensuring that any personal data we collect is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.  This policy explains how we collect, manage and protect your data.  It also explains how you can gain access to your information, ensure that it is accurate and up to date, and control how we use it.

  • World Land Trust (WLT) is a charity registered in England and Wales (reg. no. 1001291).  It is also a company limited by guarantee (registered in England and Wales, reg. no. 2552942).  Our registered address is:

    Blyth House
    3 Bridge Street
    Suffolk IP19 9AB

     Tel: + 44 (0)1986 874422

    Email: [email protected]


    Our trading company, World Land Trust Trading Ltd, is a wholly owned subsidiary (company registered in England and Wales, reg. no. 5913370).

    WLT Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary and not for profit public company limited by guarantee, registered in Australia (ACN 603 569 697).

    In this Privacy Policy, any reference to WLT includes World Land Trust Trading Ltd (WLTT) and WLT Australia.

  • WLT collects personal information that you supply voluntarily through our digital channels, which include our website, social media networks, 3rd party mailing provider Mailchimp and donation websites such as JustGiving, as well as by postal, telephone and personal contact. In addition, we may obtain some personal information from third parties (for example, when someone makes a gift donation on your behalf, or if you subscribe to a specific promotional offer from a company supporting WLT).  In some circumstances we may also collect information that is already in the public domain (for example, social media activities of candidates for WLT vacancies).

    We only collect the information we need for specific reasons, and this might include, for example, contact details, financial information, links with other WLT contacts and related organisations, site registrations, and so on.  The information we hold may also include details relating to your involvement with us (such as your record of financial transactions, communications history, fundraising activities you have undertaken on behalf of WLT, attendance at events).

    We may also generate personal information by conducting internal research to gain a better understanding of your interests to ensure that we only send you messages which are most likely to be of interest to you.

    We do not purchase or sell lists for marketing purposes.

    Information collected online

    When you visit our website details such as domain or email addresses are not automatically collected.  Anonymous information relating to website activity is collected: for example, the number of site visitors in a specified period may be collected for statistical purposes via Google Analytics but this information is not used to identify an individual user. For Googles policy please click here.

    If you visit a WLT website, we may place a cookie on your computer. This is a file created by the website to store information on your computer, such as information that identifies you or the preferences you have specified.  Cookies can help to make for a smoother browsing experience on websites which you visit frequently, and some features of our website need cookies to function properly (for example, our online donation system).  Cookies also help us, through the website monitoring service Google Analytics, to learn which advertisements bring visitors to our website and which pages these visitors view: this information is anonymous and does not identify you personally.  If you do not wish your computer to accept cookies you may disable them by clicking on the icon on the bottom left of your screen, but if you do so some features of the website may not work as expected.

    Please read through our cookie policies Listed below for further information:

    Cookie Policy (UK)
    Cookie Policy (EU)
    Cookie Policy (US)
    Cookie Policy (CA)

    We retain all information you submit while on the WLT website (eg. if you register to create an account or while making an online donation or purchase).  WLT may also occasionally work with affiliate partners who receive a small commission from any donation arising from a link to WLT from their website; in such cases we will retain only the donation ID code and the amount donated so that we can communicate with our affiliate partners. If you have donated via a third party donation website (such as JustGiving) please refer to their Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy; we will only receive information passed to us according to the preferences that you have specified on particular donation website.

    If you subscribe to our email newsletter, the eBulletin, your clicks on links in the newsletter are monitored by us. These clicks are associated with the email address you used to subscribe, but the information is only available to us and we use it solely to measure how popular the newsletters and its links and articles are.

    Special category information

    We do not normally collect special category information (for example, information relating to health, political, philosophical or religious beliefs, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation), unless this is necessary for very specific purposes (for example, to fulfil our responsibilities and legal obligations as an employer, to ensure the health and safety of those who work for us or attend our events).  We take special care of any special category information that we have, and it is restricted to those who need access to it to carry out their jobs. This information is never used for marketing purposes.

    Children’s personal information

    We welcome donations from all persons of all ages, but we will take particular care of the personal information of children and young people which we may collect and process. Where we have been made aware of the age of a young person under the age of 16:

    • We will collect only personal information which is freely given by the young person themselves, or an appropriate responsible adult.
    • We encourage all children and young people under the age of 16 to obtain the consent of a parent or legal guardian before making a donation or supplying their personal data.
    • Where a young person under the age of 16 discloses their age to us, this will be noted in their record on the WLT database to ensure that appropriate safeguards are observed. We may also require evidence of parental consent before processing their data.
    • We will inform the young person and, where possible, their parent(s) or guardian of the lawful basis for processing their data. This may be:

    Necessary to perform a contract. For example, to process a donation or a purchase, including acknowledgements and certificates.

    Consent. Wherever possible, we will seek the consent of a parent or appropriate adult when:

    • we intend to send any direct marketing communications by email or other digital media;
    • we intend to use photos taken or supplied during the course of outreach activities or other events;
    • we wish to post information about the young person and the activities they have taken part in in support of WLT;
    • the young person creates an online account on a WLT website.

    Legitimate purposes. For example, all communications relating to donations made by the young person or fundraising activities they have undertaken, including:

    • updates and information relating to projects they have supported;
    • printed newsletters and other printed materials.

    We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and rights of children and young people whose personal data we may collect and process:

    • We will not knowingly send a young person under the age of 16 fundraising appeals.
    • Where we have reason to be concerned about the source of a donation from a young person under the age of 16, we may make further enquiries before accepting the donation.
    • We will require parental consent (or consent from an appropriate responsible adult) before knowingly accepting direct debit instructions from a young person under the age of 16.
    • WLT will only take and use photographs of the children with the express written authorisation of the parent or legal guardian, obtained via the school or association. Any related publicity material will be submitted in advance to the school or association for comment/correction.
  • We will only use your personal information on specific lawful grounds laid out in law.  These include:

    • when it is necessary to perform a contract (for example, if you make a purchase or donation, or are employed by us or apply for a vacancy);
    • when we have a legal obligation (for example, observing our responsibilities as an employer, or retaining financial records);
    • when we have your consent (for example, to send you direct marketing communications by email, such as our eBulletin);
    • when we have a legitimate purpose to do so which does not override your rights (for example, keeping supporters and enquirers updated with information about our conservation programmes, news about WLT and WLT events, and the occasional survey).

    We may contact you by post or email in line with your preferences.  We do not currently communicate via SMS for appeals or marketing purposes. However if you make a donation using an SMS service provider you may receive an SMS response as an acknowledgement. Supporters who supply us with their telephone numbers will only receive telephone contact from us should there be any queries relating to the donation or order. We do not carry out cold calling, and telephone numbers are never passed on to a third party.

    Personal information that we collect is never sold, traded or rented to other organisations or disclosed to persons outside WLT other than to those who carry out work on our behalf (such as processing online donations, or mailing newsletters) or unless we are legally obliged to do so.

    Communicating with supporters

    When you make a donation through our website you will receive an automatic confirmation of your payment.  You will also have an opportunity to let us know whether and how you would like us to contact you in the future.

    Whether you make a donation online, by post, by telephone or in person you will, if you request, receive an acknowledgement (which can be sent by post or email), and you can opt to receive our printed newsletter (currently published three times a year) and monthly eBulletin. These publications are sent out to keep our supporters up-to-date with our work, and to let you know how your money has been used. From time to time you may also receive urgent appeals or mailings with information on new projects, upcoming events or supporter questionnaires.

    We hope that you will wish to be kept involved with WLT this way, but if you do not want to receive communications from us in the future, please let us know by contacting us using the details above, or by submitting the contact form on our website.

    Communicating with gift recipients

    When someone makes a gift donation on your behalf they may opt for you to receive a gift pack at the time of the donation and up to three further copies of our printed newsletter.  You will have the option when you receive the gift pack to decline any further copies of the newsletter, or to confirm whether you would like us to keep in touch with you, by returning free of charge a ‘Keeping in Touch form’.

    Gift certificates are also available in electronic form.  In these cases the certificate will be forwarded to the donor: we do not obtain your email address in these cases, although the donor may opt for you to receive the printed newsletter.

    If you do not wish it, we will not make any further contact, but we will retain the details associated with the donation.

  • We only disclose your personal information to third parties or individuals if we are legally obliged to do so or:

    • when we use other companies, consultants or contractors to provide services on our behalf (for example, providing IT services such as our contact relationship database, online services and email, sending communications by post and email, processing credit/debit card and online banking transactions);
    • for obtaining references for employment or undertaking due diligence prior to appointing consultants or contractors;
    • sharing data with our wholly owned subsidiaries (ie. companies owned by WLT);
    • if we run an event in partnership with another organisation your personal details may need to be shared for administration or security purposes;
    • as part of an investigation into a complaint or allegation of wrongdoing, in line with relevant WLT policies;
    • with your consent (for example, where you have authorised another person to act on your behalf)

    If we need to share information, we ensure that the third party receiving the information has appropriate security measures in place to protect your information.  Any personal information transferred from our premises (for example, to our mailing house) will be encrypted for additional security.

  • We employ appropriate technical, physical and organisational measures to protect your personal information, as set out in our Data Protection Policy.

    Collecting information

    When we transfer and receive financial information electronically, we use a secure server.

    Any emails sent to WLT are transferred via Exchange Online servers and are encrypted to ensure confidentiality.    Feedback forms sent to us from our website are creating use Formidable Forms. Formidable Forms along with the rest of the website is protected with encryption using HTTPS

    Information that you provide via telephone or in person at events is noted on standardised forms, prior to transfer to our database.  The forms are retained for auditing purposes and kept securely in locked storage.

    Storage of information

    All personal data, whether in electronic or paper form, is kept securely and access is restricted to those require it for their work.  Paper records are kept in locked storage; electronic records are protected by passwords, and if required will be encrypted.  We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you.

    Website links

    Our website may from time to time contain links to third party websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites will have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies, or for any personal information that you submit to them.

    Online accounts

    Where we have given you (or you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential, and we ask you not to share this with anyone

    Credit/debit card data and banking information

    WLT is fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) to ensure that we process your credit/debit card transactions securely.  We do not hold your credit or debit card data on our electronic systems; payments are processed on our behalf by Worldpay & Barclaycard Merchant, who maintain a high level of security and hold appropriate security certificates.  If you provide your credit or debit card details by phone or in writing, the information is destroyed securely once the transaction is completed.

    If you make regular payments by direct debit or credit/debit card, these transactions are processed on our behalf by Bottomline Technologies, who maintain a high level of security and hold appropriate security certificates. We do not hold your bank details on our electronic systems, and if you provide them by phone or in writing the information is destroyed once the regular payment is set up by our direct debit provider.

  • If at any time you wish to change the way we contact you, or decide that you do not want any further contact from us, please let us know by one of the following methods

    If you have registered for an online account, you can confirm your contact preferences at the time of registration, and these can be amended at any time by logging onto your account.  All email updates will provide you with the opportunity to update your preferences, or to unsubscribe from all future emails.

    Under the data protection legislation you have certain rights to access your personal data, to correct inaccurate information and to object to certain types of processing.  If you would like further information or wish to exercise your rights to access your personal data, please apply in writing to the Company Secretary, or complete the form available on our website using the following link. Before access is granted we will require proof of identity, which may include, for example, security questions, copies of passport, driving licence, or recent utility bills.

  • We will not use your personal information for purposes that we have not previously advised you of.  If our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the policy changes to our website to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out. We will do our best to obtain your consent should we wish to use personal information for new, unanticipated purposes, and we will always respect your decision if you wish to opt out of receiving communications from us.