Green Ink – Authors and artists supporting WLT

Green Ink is an initiative set up by some of the country’s leading authors and artists, to help conserve rainforests and other threatened wilderness areas and their biodiversity, through World Land Trust projects.

Who supports Green Ink?

Natural history writers assigning Public Lending Rights (PLRs) to Green Ink include: Sir David Attenborough, Simon Barnes, Bill Oddie, Chris Packham and Mark Carwardine. But this isn’t just for natural history writers,  it is for everyone who wants to show a commitment to the environment. Other well-known authors assigning titles include Tony Hawks, Prue Leith, Antonio Carluccio and David Gower.

Members of Green Ink agree to assign the Public Lending Rights (PLRs) from at least one of their books, to the World Land Trust for the purchase of endangered land. It is a simple, inexpensive and effective way for writers, editors, translators and illustrators to play a part in saving threatened species and their habitats. If you are named on the title page of a book, which is available through the public library lending system, you can be part of this pioneering programme.

What are Public Lending Rights (PLRs)?

Under the public library lending system every time a book is taken out of a library the author/illustrator is entitled to a percentage of a cash fund allocated by the government for this purpose. The amount an author is likely to receive is typically in the region of £20-75 a year – with a maximum annual figure of £6,000 per author.  Many authors are unaware that they are entitled to PLRs. Others simply do not bother to claim. Every amount from every book can help WLT’s work.

More Information about Green Ink

If you have any queries or wish to assign a PLR to the Green Ink programme please contact World Land Trust by phone +44 (0)1986 874422 or email [email protected]   If you wish to assign a title/titles the forms will be completed by WLT ready for you to check and sign.