Congratulations to Sir David who is 94 today. Everyone at World Land Trust sends very best wishes and heartfelt thanks.
Sir David has supported World Land Trust (WLT) since it was founded in 1989 and became a patron in 2003. Over the years he has always been available for comment and advice and has helped us stay true to our mission, saying:
“In a world where wildlife is struggling to survive, WLT and their overseas conservation partners are saving as much of the wild world as they can. Over the thirty years, while biodiverse habitats have come under increasing pressure from humans, WLT has remained utterly committed to permanently protecting endangered habitats.”
In recent years, Sir David has become very vocal in his concerns about the state of the planet. In 2018, he attended a climate summit in Poland and delivered a powerful speech urging world leaders to take immediate action against climate change. He has continued to be a major influencer in the need for a change in attitudes.
Last year WLT asked Sir David if he would be willing to take part in a short film especially for Trust supporters. The film poses the question: “What can I, as an individual, do?” in the face of the climate emergency. In the film he offers the individual an opportunity to make a difference by unlocking a generation of change makers. Sir David describes why he believes that supporting WLT in its mission to Save Land and Save Species is an important means by which individual action can achieve an impact.

The “What can I, as an individual, do?” film was made at the Royal Geographical Society and WLT Council member and renowned journalist and author, Simon Barnes, joined Sir David to ask the questions.
Since then COVID-19 has taken over our lives, reminding us once again of the fragility of the human species and once again Sir David has been thrown into the limelight and is constantly asked for his views.
When speaking with WLT today, Sir David said:
“If COVID-19 has taught us anything it is to not take nature for granted. It has been a rather shocking awakening for all of us and has brought us closer to the reality that we have been taking all our resources for granted. The crisis has, however, shown us that governments can take dramatic and life-changing actions. Shutting down international air traffic, for a start, has had an incredible effect on reducing carbon emissions. Governments could also play a major role in recognizing the last remaining wilderness areas and halting extinctions. Let’s hope this will be step two in a heightened awareness of just what can be achieved. In the meantime I fully support the work being carried out World Land Trust who have a very impressive track record – having saved more than a million acres and all their diversity for our futures.”
Once again, WLT thanks Sir David for his loyalty and support over the years and hope that he enjoys his ‘lockdown’ birthday.