#StayAheadofTheFlames: The Fire Brigade in Mexico Taking No Chances this Season SEARCH NEWS

Firefighters tackling a blaze in the pine forests of Sierra Gorda ©GESG

The fire prevention efforts come after GESG rangers had to fight a blaze in April 2020, with squads deployed to the reserve. Image credit: GESG.

A newly-released video from our Mexican partner, Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda (GESG), features Salvador Sarabia, Chief Forester and Arturo Martinez, Head of the GESG’s fire brigade, hard at work.

Funded by World Land Trust supporters, the duo is seen tackling forest fires within the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve. Salvador coordinates ten locals from the Valle Verde community to ensure adequate planning and prevention is in place.

After successfully tackling flames earlier this year, the group have been clearing dry vegetation, managing trails and installing fire breaks to keep the reserve ahead of the flames.

See them in action here:

This year, we’re putting extinguish before extinction.

The forests do not have to burn; donate to the Wildfire Appeal  today and ensure our partners can continue to be as prepared as GESG.

Don’t forget to also show your support for the campaign on social media with the #ExtinguishNotExtinction hashtag.


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A donation to the WLT Wildfire Appeal will enable our partners to provide training for rangers and essential equipment to provide a better outcome for nature reserves around the world.

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