By helping our partners save acres and plant trees in their millions, WLT supporters have already shown the power of collective action – and the work goes on in a crucial decade for nature. Credit: Lucas Bustamante
This World Environment Day (Saturday 5 June 2021) the UN is calling for a new generation to lead a Decade for Restoration, and at World Land Trust (WLT) we feel extremely fortunate – because we know we’ve already had for decades a generation of supporters, people like you, making the incredible happen.
Humankind’s challenge ahead is made clear by the science: we’ve only got this decade to get our planet on the right course. As the UN says, we’ve got to save the ecosystems that support all life on Earth. We’ve got to bring protection to “every continent and every ocean” as the healthier nature is, the healthier we ourselves will be against pandemics, poverty and more. Everything hinges on the saving of ecosystems and as the UN warns, “it will only succeed if everyone plays a part.”
WLT supporters have already played a part for decades and the impact you’re making is stupendous, as shown by some of our recent stats. Through our Buy an Acre programme and others, your donations have directly saved 2,351,275 acres (950,000 ha) of precious habitats in America, Africa, Asia and beyond. Around the globe, 2,357,675 native trees have been funded through our Plant a Tree programme and others, restoring 6,558 acres (2,654 ha) in the process. The 366,078 tCO2e offset so far by our Carbon Balanced supporters is enough to cancel the emissions from 168,912 London-New York return flights.

As the UN reminds us this week, humankind’s still in time to tip the scales in the climate and biodiversity crises – if we continue saving the ecosystems all life on Earth depends upon. Credit: Roberto Pedraza Ruiz
And this work you’re making possible is about much more than just conservation, thanks to a virtuous cycle that’s guided WLT’s action for decades: when nature is protected by the local people who know it best, communities also benefit. No Poverty; Clean Water and Sanitation; Decent Work and Economic Growth; Sustainable Cities and Communities – this is just a selection of some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) WLT’s conservation projects are aligned with. We want you to look at that list of some of humankind’s most pressing challenges and remember: these are all causes you’re helping advance, through us.
As World Environment Day draws nearer, we wanted to remind you of the difference you’ve already made – the difference you can still make:
Through our Action Fund: Click here to find out how you can donate to bring conservation help wherever it’s most needed, always for the most urgent projects.
Through our Buy an Acre programme: Click here to find out how you can donate to help our partners create the reserves of tomorrow.
Through our Plant a Tree programme: Click here to find out how you can donate to help our partners restore the home of wildlife from deforestation.
Through our Keepers of the Wild programme: Click here to find out how you can donate to help enlist new rangers to protect wildlife in America, Asia, Africa and beyond
Through our Carbon Balanced programme: Click here to find out how you could save tropical forests as you offset your unavoidable carbon emissions.
Through our WLT Friends programme: Click here to find out how you can become nature’s champion by committing to monthly donations as a WLT Friend.
Together, everyone who makes WLT’s work possible – our partners and staff; supporters like you – has shown how effective individuals can be when they come together. With the UN’s Decade of Restoration rallying cry lighting the way, we will continue our work for a living planet – driving it at the scale that defeating biodiversity loss and climate change will require.
Will you join us once more in this crucial decade?