Climate, conservation and communities – Carbon Balanced supporters are benefiting all and with COP26 underway, WLT would like to celebrate their impact. Credit: World Land Trust
The calls for decisive climate action may be ringing louder than ever as COP26 gets underway but this is a plea that Carbon Balanced supporters answered long ago. For years, the businesses and individuals offsetting their emissions through us have been saving the very landscapes a warming world cannot afford to lose. Today, the new resources we’re publishing are not just a celebration of that impact – they are also a rallying cry for new Carbon Balanced supporters to join our flagship climate programme at the time our planet most needs it.
This week’s global deal to end deforestation by 2030 shows world leaders recognise there’s no fighting climate change without saving forests, and this is precisely what Carbon Balanced supporters have been achieving since our programme launched in 2005.
Through our three-step process, businesses and individuals have spent years Measuring, Reducing and Balancing over 610,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) emissions through offsetting projects run by our partners in Central and South America and Asia. From Ecuador’s Nangaritza Valley to Guatemala’s Conservation Coast, Mexico’s Xilitla cloud forests and Vietnam’s Khe Nuoc Trong rainforests, these are all landscapes packed with carbon and threatened life that Carbon Balanced supporters are helping to protect – for the benefit of all on Earth.
For companies and individuals who are already Carbon Balanced supporters, today we’d like to extend a big thank you for making this crucial work possible. During COP26, we’d love for you to use the materials below to discover the impact you’re making through us, and celebrate with us on the public stage.
For companies and individuals who are not yet Carbon Balanced supporters, today we’d like to invite you to join us in this crucial UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Below you can find plenty of new resources for our Carbon Balanced programme. Individuals can find further information on this handy infographic while companies can contact us here to begin the process of becoming a supporter.

From WLT’s three-step process to the verification of our Carbon Balanced projects or the need for a broader net zero strategy, our Carbon Balanced materials answer the top questions for supporters. Credit: World Land Trust
From a step-by-step guide on how WLT’s Carbon Balanced programme works, the projects it supports or why saving land is so important for the climate, our brand new Carbon Balanced webpages and brochure have a wealth of information for existing or prospective supporters.
Click here to browse our Carbon Balanced webpages today
Click here to read our Carbon Balanced brochure

The impact of Carbon Balanced supporters goes well beyond climate and conservation. Check out our new infographic to discover the better future that our partners’ projects are unlocking for local people. Credit: World Land Trust.
Our four Carbon Balanced projects are not just REDD+ projects that adhere to robust, internationally recognised standards. They are also initiatives that together directly advanced 14 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), from No Poverty to Gender Equality, Clean Water or Life on Land.
Discover the SDG contributions of Carbon Balanced supporters

Offsetting is not an easy subject to approach but our explainer will help shed light on key questions, such as how Carbon Balanced projects benefit local communities and why these impacts are rigorously verified. Credit: World Land Trust
Offsetting can be a complex and confusing topic for those just starting to address their environmental impact, so we have prepared an explainer that debunks common offsetting myths and details why offsetting through WLT’s Carbon Balanced programme makes the necessary impact for the planet.
Click here to read our offsetting explainer
Got any questions? Reach out to us (companies can contact the WLT team here) and we will help you every step of the way on your Carbon Balanced journey. If you’d like to offset as an individual, read through our infographic before calculating your carbon footprint with our online calculator.
For years, our flagship climate programme has demonstrated that offsetting can make the necessary impact for climate, conservation and communities – and the work goes on beyond COP26.
Together with our Carbon Balanced supporters, this UN Decade on Restoration we’ll continue protecting the carbon-rich forests key to our planet’s future. Join us!