A view across the two new sites which have together expanded the Arrierito Antioqueño Reserve by 352 hectares (870 acres). Credit: ProAves
We are delighted to announce that the Arrierito Antioqueño Reserve in Colombia has now been expanded by 352 hectares (870 acres), a significant milestone made possible by a global alliance of conservation organisations.
Funds from World Land Trust (WLT) and American Bird Conservancy (ABC) have allowed our partner ProAves to purchase two sites totalling 352 hectares (870 acres), significantly expanding their 1,019-hectare (2,518-acre) Arrierito Antioqueño Reserve.
Sara Lara, Executive Director of ProAves, says “We can now save the most fragile areas from gold mining and clearance for cattle grazing. This is a major step forward for conservation in this region of Colombia where the forests are disappearing at unprecedented rates.”

The new sites are rich in primary rainforest and also contain many waterfalls. Credit: ProAves.
A lifeline for nature
The Arrierito Antioqueño Reserve was set up in 2006 to safeguard the subtropical rainforests of Colombia’s Antioquia region. Situated in the northwest of Colombia where the rugged Andes Mountains meet the lush Chocó–Darién rainforests, this reserve is incredibly wildlife-rich, providing a home for 605 bird species. That is almost as many as the UK’s 633 for a nature reserve the size of Heathrow Airport.
Many of these species – like the striking Multicoloured Tanager (Chlorochrysa nitidissima) and wonderfully named Red-bellied Grackle (Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster) – are only found in Colombia. Even more remarkably, several species – like the Critically Endangered Chestnut-capped Piha (Lipaugus weberi) and Nocturnal Harlequin Frog (Atelopus nocturnus) – are only found in its Antioquia region.

The wonderfully coloured plumage of the well-named Multicoloured Tanager, one of the many species which will benefit from the reserve’s expansion. Credit: Rodrigo Gaviria Obregon
Crucially, this exceptional diversity is not limited to birds or frogs. The reserve is also home for over 30 mammal species, such as the White-footed Tamarin (Saguinus leucopus), a species of monkey, and the Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus). Both these species are IUCN-listed as Vulnerable and have undergone dramatic population declines in recent decades due to widespread habitat loss.
With increasing deforestation across Colombia, the expansion of the Arrierito Antioqueño Reserve could not come at a better time. Much of the land in the Antioquia region is currently being logged and converted to agriculture; a process which has rapidly intensified in recent years. A lack of robust land ownership rules has led to a free-for-all situation at the cost of swathes of intact rainforest. The new sites purchased by ProAves are part of a critical step to turn this tide and create an improved buffer from surrounding threats.
Excitingly, the new sites also contain globally important populations of the Chestnut-capped Piha, the Nocturnal Harlequin Frog, and six tree species at high risk of extinction. These include two Critically Endangered tree species, Magnolia katiorum and Magnolia polyhypsophylla, that are only found in the Antioquia region. By connecting these to the existing Arrierito Antioqueño Reserve, ProAves is safeguarding them for generations to come. The expanded reserve also affords greater protection against climate change by giving species more space to move in response to changing temperatures.

The Critically Endangered Chestnut-capped Piha, one of approximately 250 individuals restricted to the Antioquia region. Credit: ProAves
A thriving future
Now that these two sites have been purchased, ProAves can begin the crucial next steps. Generous support to both WLT and ABC has not only secured these sites but also funded their protection and an extra ProAves ranger, hired from the local community.
In the coming weeks, ProAves rangers will remove all old signs and infrastructure associated with the land’s past use for gold mining. They will then start installing boundary signs and markers, and working with the local communities to ensure that they benefit from the reserve’s expansion. Community engagement is a central part of ProAves’ activities, which includes an annual Women for Conservation Programme.
Once the new sections of the expanded reserve have been marked out, ProAves will use camera traps to monitor the wildlife found here and then start planting out saplings to revitalise the more degraded areas.
The fruits of collaboration
This major achievement would not have been possible without joint collaboration between WLT and ABC, the wonderful generosity of our supporters, and the steadfast commitment of ProAves to protecting the wildlife of Antioquia. This is testament to the powerful difference that we can all make when we take action together.
If you are inspired by this news update, you can support our collaborative work protecting the world’s most threatened species and habitats here, and you can learn more about our partner ProAves here.