• Code of conduct for WLT staff and all those who work on behalf of WLT

    Read WLT’s Code of Conduct Policy, here.

    Read WLT’s Disciplinary Procedure, here.

  • Every year we handle thousands of enquiries and requests. We try to ensure that every one of these interactions meets the expectations of the person concerned. However, we recognise that this may not always be the case and so this page outlines the Trust’s full complaints policy and procedure.

    Read WLT’s Complaints Policy, here.

  • This document sets out World Land Trust’s policy and approaches on managing conflicts of interest.

    Read WLT’s Conflicts of Interest Policy, here.

  • WLT treats all personal data in our care with respect and in compliance with all relevant regulations.  We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is:

    • processed lawfully, fairly and transparently;
    • collected and processed for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes;
    • adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed;
    • accurate and kept as far as is possible up to date;
    • kept only as long as is required, according to WLT’s Retention of Data Policy;
    • kept securely and safeguarded against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and accidental loss, destruction or damage.

    Our Data Protection and Privacy Policies have been reviewed and updated in line with new data protection regulations (GDPR).  See our full Data Protection Policy ».

    For more information about how we collect and use your personal information, how we keep it safe, who we share it with, and how you can access the personal information we have about you, please see our Privacy Policy statement.

    If at any time you wish to change the way we contact you, or decide that you do not want any further contact from us, please let us know by contacting the donations team via telephone, email or by completing the contact preference form that is available on the website.  If you have registered for an online account, you can confirm your contact preferences at the time of registration, and these can be amended at any time by logging onto your account.  All email updates will provide you with the opportunity to update your preferences, or to unsubscribe from all future emails.

    Read WLT’s Data Protection and Privacy Policy, here.

  • At World Land Trust we are committed to inclusion and respect to our employees, those who support us, and those whom we support.   

    We treat everyone with respect and have particular regard for the ‘protected characteristics’ under the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.   

    We have a zero-tolerance policy towards discriminatory language or actions that could create a hostile environment and we do not accept behaviour that amounts to harassment or exclusion of any individual.  

  • World Land Trust recognises that some of our activities (such as international air travel) have adverse effects on the environment, but we are committed to minimising our impacts as far as possible while continuing our work of preserving threatened habitats.

    Read WLT’s Environmental Policy, here.

  • This document sets out the policy of World Land Trust covering all forms of financial misconduct, corruption, bribery and other forms of dishonesty.

    Read WLT’s Anti-Fraud/Bribery and Corruption Policy, here.

  • This policy confirms World Land Trust’s commitment to safeguarding the welfare and interests of all children and vulnerable persons with whom it interacts in any capacity. The policy applies to all staff, volunteers, members of WLT’s governing structures, ambassadors, and any others who work on behalf of WLT.

    Read WLT’s Safeguarding Policy, here.

  • The activities that WLT funds with our international partners would, in general, not give rise to safeguarding concerns. We are, however, aware that our international partners do undertake programmes of work such as community engagement and educational activities with children, using either WLT funding or resources from other donors. In order to follow the requirements of the Charity Commission and the enhanced guidance of DFID we must ensure that we observe our legal safeguarding responsibilities in the UK and in those countries where we are working, and that we have a duty of care to ensure that our partners are working towards and implementing best practice in undertaking these activities.

    Read WLT’s International Safeguarding Policy, here.

  • From time to time, it is necessary for WLT to provide food and drink to staff,
    governors, programme partners, supporters and other stakeholders attending
    WLT meetings or events. This catering policy is applicable to all such occasions
    and aims to establish WLT’s stance regarding food sustainability and to influence
    other stakeholders own catering decisions.

    Read WLT’s Catering Policy, here.


  • World Land Trust (WLT) is concerned with the deforestation, biodiversity loss, social and climatic impacts which result from the unsustainable production of palm oil.

    However, we recognise the importance of the role of the palm oil industry to the economies of developing countries and acknowledge that, as the cheapest-to-produce, highest-yielding, and most versatile vegetable oil on the market, transforming the market to a sustainable and traceable supply of palm oil is the most responsible path. We believe boycotting palm oil would increase demand for other, less efficient edible oils and therefore may have an even greater environmental impact. Therefore, WLT supports the use of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) via accredited schemes administered by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

    Through our local in-country partners, WLT supports organisations working in landscapes impacted by palm oil production. As well as supporting them to prevent the loss of any further natural habitats to oil palm plantations, we also support their initiatives to find joint solutions with palm oil producers for the conservation of wildlife and sustainable production of palm oil. These solutions include the restoration of former oil palm areas to natural habitat, the establishment of wildlife corridors through plantations and the reduction of wildlife-plantation conflicts. We consider that any new areas of oil palm should be prioritised onto areas of degraded land or other land of low conservation value.

    Download WLT’s Palm Oil statement

  • WLT recognises that its financial providers should align with our organisational purpose and values. The Trustees have made a decision to cease banking with Barclays due to the scale of their investments in fossil fuels. WLT will start the review to move to a more suitable banking provider during 2024.