
Years of support 0

HECTARES FUNDED 0 (1,788,521 acres)

HECTARES CO-FUNDED 0 (2,711,047 acres)


Bolivia is located in west-central South America and is the largest landlocked country in the Southern Hemisphere, roughly twice the size of Spain.

Divided into the tropical eastern lowlands that make up almost two-thirds of the country and the Andes Mountains in the west, altitudes range from 90 metres above sea level to 6,542 m at Mount Sajama. This dramatic variation in topography results in a varied tropical climate with average temperatures ranging from 23-25 °C in the humid lowlands to 7-11 °C in the drier Andes.

Bolivia’s diverse ecosystems include the moist broadleaf forests of the Amazon rainforest in the north, the dry broadleaf forest, thorn shrubland and savannah of the Gran Chaco in the south, and the flooded grassland and wetlands of the Pantanal in the east, while in the west lie the mountain grasslands and lakes of the Altiplano and the rugged peaks and glaciers of the Andes.


Situated along the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, Bolivia is one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth, with 13,644 plant species, 799 fungus species, 13,719 species of insect, 313 reptile species, 251 amphibian species, and 908 species of freshwater fish. 1,435 bird species have been recorded, including Cock-tailed Tyrant (Vulnerable) and Turquoise-fronted Amazon and Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Near Threatened). The 389 species of mammal include the Maned Wolf (Near Threatened), Chacoan Peccary (Endangered) and Giant Anteater (Vulnerable).

The main drivers of biodiversity loss in Bolivia are climate change, a growing illegal wildlife trade, and habitat destruction from land-use change. Cattle ranching accounts for around 50% of deforestation in the country, with unsustainable management causing further habitat degradation. Soya farms, illegal logging, oil and gas prospecting, mining, and infrastructure development also contribute to the loss of Bolivia’s habitats, with high poverty placing further demands on the country’s ecosystems.

WLT-funded projects in Bolivia are helping to protect Bolivia’s rich ecosystems and safeguard vital habitat for threatened endemic species such as the Blue-throated Macaw (Critically Endangered).


Our Partners in Bolivia




Blue-throated Macaws

Asociación Armonía manages two reserves to safeguard the habitat of the Blue-throated Macaw, a Critically Endangered species numbering just 312-455 individuals found only in the Beni savanna of northern Bolivia. Together these reserves protect 11,680 ha (28,862 acres) of seasonally flooded savanna, gallery forests, wetlands and palm forest islands.

With the species threatened by habitat loss and the illegal cage-bird trade, WLT formed a partnership with Asociación Armonía in 2008 to support the creation of the Barba Azul Nature Reserve, protecting key dry season feeding and roosting sites for over 100 Blue-throated Macaws. After supporting the expansion of the reserve in 2014 to 11,000 ha (27,182 acres), WLT helped Armonía purchase the 680 ha (1,680) Laney Rickman Blue-throated Macaw Reserve in 2018—the most important breeding area for the species.

With the availability of suitable natural nest cavities much reduced due to ranching practices, Armonía started its hugely successful nestbox programme in 2005 that has fledged 113 Blue-throated Macaw chicks. With continued WLT support, Armonía are working closely with landowners to develop sustainable ranching methods that avoid burning practices, while also employing local rangers to protect nests and prevent fires.

Read the Barba Azul Nature Reserve 2023 Annual Report

A pair of Blue-throated Macaw perched on a branch in the Barba Azul Nature Reserve
Giant Anteater in the Bolivian Chaco
Bolivian Chaco reserves

WLT partnered with Fundación Natura Bolivia in 2016 to support the creation of three legally recognised protected areas in the Bolivian Chaco. With WLT funding, Fundación Natura Bolivia created the Héroes del Chaco Historical and Wildlife Municipal Reserve in 2018, the Area de Vida Guajukaka in 2019 and the Quebracho Protected Area in 2023, forming a conservation corridor to the Kaa-Iya National Park and the Medanos del Chaco National Park in Paraguay.

All three areas will protect over 650,000 ha (1,606,185 acres) of Bolivian Dry Chaco, safeguarding threatened species such as the Chacoan Peccary (Endangered), Giant Anteater (Vulnerable), Lowland Tapir (Vulnerable) as well as the Jaguar (Near Threatened) and a Chacoan population of Guanaco (Least Concern).

With WLT support, Fundación Natura Bolivia works closely with local municipalities and indigenous Guarani communities to develop sustainable natural resource management practices, which protect the Chaco while improving the quality of life for local communities.

Ñembi Guasu Area of Conservation and Ecological Importance

In 2018, WLT partnered with Nativa to support their work with the Indigenous Autonomous Government of Charagua Iyambe (GAIOC) to legally formalise the protection of the Ñembi Guasu Area of Conservation and Ecological Importance in southeast Bolivia. Legally recognised by GAIOC in 2019, the Ñembi Guasu protects 1.2 million ha (almost 3 million acres) of the highly threatened Gran Chaco, the fastest disappearing forest on the planet, while also maintaining land for the indigenous Guaraní and Ayoreo peoples.

Ñembi Guasu remains largely unexplored, and very little is known about its biodiversity. Initial field studies by Nativa have confirmed the presence of large mammals including Jaguar (Near Threatened), Lowland Tapir and Giant Anteater (Vulnerable), and the Chacoan Peccary (Endangered), as well as birds such as the Turquoise-fronted Amazon (Near Threatened).

Continued support from WLT includes legal work to prevent illegal settlements within the territory, sustainable management planning and zoning of the area, and community guards for patrols and firefighting.

An aerial view of a water-course and riparian habitat in Ñembi Guasu

Key species protected by WLT projects


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