Sitting within the Indo-Burma hotspot, Vietnam is a long, narrow country of mountains and tropical forests. It runs the length of the eastern Indochina peninsula, meaning it spans a wide range of latitudes. This gives rise to an exceptional diversity of habitats and species, with the highest levels of endemism in the Southeast Asian continent.

Years of support 0
HECTARES FUNDED 0 (45,479 acres)
HECTARES CO-FUNDED 0 (1,929 acres)
Trees planted 0
One of the most biologically diverse countries on Earth, Vietnam is of international conservation importance, harbouring around 10 per cent of the world’s species. The country is famous for its recently discovered species such as, Saola.
It is also one of the fastest growing economies in the world, which is putting immense pressure on its exceptional biodiversity. For example, whilst 47% of Vietnam if forested, less than 2% of this is primary forest. ecological systems are affected and the species extinction rate here is on the rise.
Our partners in Vietnam
Past projects in Vietnam
Khe Nuoc Trong
Bac Huong Hoa
Forest restoration of Bac Huong Hoa
Viet Nature’s project in the rain forests of the Northern Annamites is concerned with a region that was affected by defoliant chemicals. As such, this project is part of a broader national plan to overcome the consequences of the Vietnam/American War.
Poor soil erosion and low nutrient levels have meant that the land has been unable to naturally regenerate and lacks tree cover. In addition, the growth of two invasive grass species which shade out and prevent growth of native tree seedlings.
Viet Nature are therefore working to restore 100 hectares of forest in this area by planting 120,000 trees over two years. This reforestation project takes place within a broader landscape of over 1,300 hectares of land situated within the Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve (BHH NR).
Viet Nature will manage and maintain the seedlings until they are well developed. Once established, these trees will help repair degraded lowland tropical moist forest habitat in the reserve, and benefit wildlife by expanding and connecting existing areas of forest. Viet Nature will address ongoing threats to the planting areas including the browsing of the land by livestock and the deliberate and accidental burning of grassland areas. Through measures such as weeds management, the fencing of certain areas, and cutting firebreaks, this project will restore this scarred landscape.

Dong Chau-Khe Nuoc Trong Forest
This is Viet Nature’s Carbon Balanced project which aims to protect biodiversity by reducing illegal wildlife hunting whilst also supporting the regeneration of degraded areas the 21,127-hectare Khe Nuoc Trong forest. The forest is located between the flat coastal plain and the steep mountains of Central Vietnam. It forms part of a partially protected forested corridor that follows the western spine of the north central coastal area. Some of the largest remaining tracts of the Annamese Lowland Forest are found here which contain some globally iconic species like White-cheeked Crested Gibbon, and the Red-shanked Duoc Languar.
Illegal forest degradation for small volume, high value timber by members of the local communities and is something that Viet Nature seek to address through this project. Additionally, the hunting of species and the snaring of animals has reached significant levels over recent years.
The work also involves research into biodiversity and surveying of hunting practices and illegal wildlife supply chains, while supporting rangers to patrol and monitor the area as well as carry out snare removal. The impacts of this initiative will allow high-quality tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests to be restored. This will not only result in the sequestration of 41,686 tCO2e annually but will safeguard the habitat for highly endangered species like the Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) – known for its rarity as the ‘Asian unicorn’ – and Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica).