Birdlife International

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The BirdLife International Partnership strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. BirdLife is the world’s largest partnership of conservation organisations, all who have the aim of conserving birds, their habitats, and global biodiversity.



BirdLife International was founded in 1993, previously known as the International Council for Bird Preservation, which had been founded in the 1930s.


Partnership with WLT

BirdLife and World Land Trust (WLT) have independently funded some of the same projects, working to strengthen mutual partners, producing effective use of funds and leading to further project opportunities. After meetings between the two organisations a formal partnership was discussed in 2011.

At present, work together continues on an informal basis. BirdLife and WLT are discussing opportunities for collaboration, such as identifying new partners, strengthening relationships with our partners, and working on other joint initiatives.


Other projects and activities

As well as BirdLife’s in-country and regional conservation, capacity building, advocacy and awareness-raising work, they work on a number of international programmes:

  • Climate change: developing a shared position for the BirdLife partnership on climate change;
  • Forests of Hope programme: aiming to prevent destruction of natural forest across different sites, totalling five million hectares by 2015, through forest conservation management work and national and international policy and advocacy work;
  • Seabirds programme: to address seabird conservation issues;
  • Birdlife’s Flyways: a programme which uses BirdLife global network of partners to conserve migratory species;
  • Important Bird Areas: selecting important sites for bird conservation.

Contact Details

CEO: Patricia Zurita

BirdLife International
The David Attenborough Building,
1st Floor, Pembroke Street,
Cambridge, CB2 3QZ,
