Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF)



Conserve biodiversity and protect environments through research, training, education and community engagement in Uganda.



Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) is an award-winning non-profit Cameroonian conservation organization established in 1999.

ERuDeF has been working across Cameroon and has significantly contributed towards restoring fragile ecosystems, regeneration of forest through plantation and agroforestry, conservation of biodiversity through wildlife habitat protection and protected area management.

ERuDeF is also promoting environmental education, as well as empowering rural communities through innovative economic and livelihood development programmes.


Partnership with WLT

ERuDeF and WLT started working together in 2020 with the ‘Future for Gorillas’ appeal, which will fund ERuDeF’s purchase and protection of two community forest reserves of 12,355 acres (5,000 ha) and 11,337 acres (4,588 ha) to preserve a vital corridor between Deng Deng National Park and Belabo Council Forest in Eastern Cameroon.



Please see our Cameroon page.


Other projects and activities

  • Research and bio-monitoring: Collecting data of flora and fauna species and anthropogenic factors for effective management and policy implementation.
  • Protected area and corridor management: Creation of Protected Areas and development as well as implementation of the Management Plans for the conservation of threatened species such critically endangered cross river gorillas, endangered Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, drills, goliath frog, pangolin, wild cats, elephants and a host of endangered birds and reptiles.
  • Community forestry: Creation of community forest to link protected areas within the landscape as well as the genetic corridors.
  • Restoration of degraded ecosystems: Planting of agroforestry and other economic trees. Restoration of the water catchment areas by planting of environmentally friendly trees.
  • Food security and economic resilience programme: Promotion of agrobiodiversity, agroecology, agroforestry, organic farming and forest gardening for rural small scale farmers.
  • Economic development programme: Supporting local livelihood development with alternative income generating options such as bee keeping, cassava processing, animal husbandry, and processing of Non-timber forest products (NTFPs).
A view of a community forest at Deng deng, Cameroon.

Contact Details

CEO: Louis Nkembi

Email: [email protected]

Website: erudef.org