Fundación Patagonia Natural


To promote the conservation and protection of the Patagonian environment within Argentina, encouraging responsible management of its resources and ecosystems.



Fundación Patagonia Natural (FPN) was founded in 1989 by local people from the community who were all concerned about Patagonia’s wildlife.

A view of coastline and coastal steppe habitat at La Esperanza, Patagonia
Partnership with WLT

While visiting Argentina in 1999, Dr Gerard Bertrand (Founding Trustee of the World Land Trust) became aware that, at that time, none of the Coastal Steppe in Patagonia was protected. This was despite it being home to a wealth of wildlife including species that are found nowhere else on Earth. Due to the collapse of the wool trade, land that had previously been used as sheep grazing was coming on to the market very cheaply. This was creating threats to the steppe habitat as well as coastal regions.

WLT Trustees agreed to investigate further the possibility of saving an important area of Patagonian wilderness and identified Fundación Patagonia Natural as a suitable partner in the region. Collaboration resulted in the first Guanaco Refuge in the world (Estancia la Esperanza) and has leveraged protection of other areas of coastal steppe.



Please see our Argentina page.


Other Activities

  • Liaising with government and non-government organisations;
  • Environmental education through all sectors of the community;
  • Development of a small volunteer and ecotourism programme;
  • Research into issues relating to the biodiversity of the region and its protection;
  • Carrying out surveys of coastal biodiversity;
  • Opening up emergency centres to rehabilitate animals affected by oil spills.
Guanacos at La Esperanza

Contact Details

CEO/Executive Director: José María Musmeci
