Fundación Naturaleza para el Futuro (FuNaFu)


To empower societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature and culture, for the well-being of humanity.



Founded in 2001, FuNaFu was created to respond to the enthusiasm of people who love nature and wish to live alongside it sustainably.


Partnership with WLT

Luis Castelli, Executive Director of FuNaFu, has worked with World Land Trust (WLT) for many years as a legal representative in Argentina. Luis advised WLT on its first project in Argentina, Estancia la Esperanza, from the beginning but more recently worked with WLT in Misiones Province. WLT identified FuNaFu as a suitable organisation to become a programme partner for the Emerald Green Corridor and this partnership became official in 2012.

The video above of Luis Castelli, Executive Director of FuNaFu was recorded during WLT’s 25th Anniversary Partners Symposium in May 2014 at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.



Emerald Green Corridor


Other projects and activities

  • Working with local governments and other organisations in the creation and management of protected areas including Peninsula Valdes, Andean Patagonian Forest, Jujuy and Ibera marshlands;
  • Spatial planning in coastal areas such as Patagonia and Rocha department in Uruguay;
  • Ecotoursim planning;
  • Running 11 interpretation centres and museums to educate and raise awareness of the history and biodiversity of Argentina;
  • Developing training courses on nature and cultural heritage, bird watching, handicrafts and product marketing.
A view of river valley in the Emerald Green Corridor

Contact details:

Executive Director: Luis Castelli

O’ Higgins 4380, Nuñez
Capital Federal
C.P. 1429
Buenos Aires, Argentina
