Guyra Paraguay


To protect areas throughout Paraguay, safeguarding varied habitats and species across the country. Guyra Paraguay’s work with local communities is very important to the organisation, as it is committed to creating a sustainable future for both wildlife and local people.



In 1997 a group of individuals resolved to create an organisation, Guyra Paraguay, with the aim of preserving bird species in Paraguay. Concerned about the widespread destruction of Paraguay’s habitats, they chose to focus on birds as important indicators of overall biodiversity.

An evocative dawn view of the Chaco-Pantanal landscape
Partnership with WLT

World Land Trust (WLT) and Guyra Paraguay signed a partnership agreement after a visit by Alberto Yanosky to the WLT office in 2004, meeting John Burton, then both Executive Directors of each institution. Later, in 2005, the purchase of the first lands began in the Chaco-Pantanal.

To date, WLT has financed the purchase of land in the Chaco-Pantanal and Chaco Seco adding more than 20,000 hectares for conservation in perpetuity, also in 2010 WLT supported the design and implementation of The Paraguay Forest Conservation Project – Reduction of GHG

Guyra Paraguay now helps to protect and manage directly and indirectly over two and half million acres of threatened habitats throughout Paraguay. WLT supports their efforts through the Keepers of the Wild appeal, putting more reserve rangers in the field to help safeguard this vast area.



Campo Iris Project

The Paraguay Forest Conservation Project


Please see our Paraguay page.

Other Activities
  • Developing databases in order to identify species conservation priorities, including mapping Important Bird Areas (IBAs)
  • Identifying and prioritising sites of greatest conservation importance in Paraguay
  • Monitoring the fragmentation of the main eco-regions in Paraguay. These include Atlantic Rainforest, Cerrado, Misiones’ Grasslands, Pantanal, and Chaco
  • Integrating social and economic development with ecological requirements in areas of conservation importance
  • Undertaking environmental education throughout Paraguay
  • Provide access to researchers and tourists to their reserve areas in three ecoregions of great importance, through the Cañada el Carmen Reserve (Chaco Seco), the Paraguayan Pantanal Reserve Complex (Chaco Pantanal) and the Guyra Retã – Tekoha Guazu Reserve Complex (Bosque Atlántico) for university students studying conservation.
Aerial view of the site of the Three Giants Biological Station, Paraguay
Giant Anteater in the Bolivian Chaco

Awards and Achievements

In 2004 they managed to declare the Bare-throated Bellbird (Procnias nudicollis) as a national bird through community mobilization.

In 2006, John Burton, the CEO of the World Land Trust, arrived in Paraguay. From that date he will fall in love with the Paraguayan Chaco and the wonders of its nature and its people.

In 2006: The Paraguayan Bird Guide by Tito Narosky and Darío Izurieta was presented, with the special collaboration of Marie de Bernard, Rob Clay and Hugo del Castillo. This represents up to now the first and only guide to birds that is most complete at the country level.

2007: The Guyra Campana Award, the Cry of the Jungle, was awarded for the first time. This recognition in the form of an origami metal figurine was designed by the Paraguayan artist Juan Pistilli. Awarded to those who have stood out for their constant fight in defense of nature in Paraguay. One of Guyra’s prominent friends who received it was World Land Trust CEO John Burton†.

2007: One of the country’s leading newspapers, Ultima Hora, recognises Guyra Paraguay as one of the Top Paraguayan Institutions of the year, for their struggle to protect biodiversity often in great adversity.

2008: Guyra Paraguay received a Partnership Award at the BirdLife Awards.

2013: In June, Guyra Paraguay Executive Director, Alberto Yanosky received the National Geographic/Buffett Award for Conservation Leadership in Latin America. In the same month Alberto was made a BirdLife Member of Honour at the 2013 BirdLife World Congress.

2013: 2013: In July, Guyra Paraguay was the first NGO to receive the National Order of Merit in the rank of Commander. This was in recognition of Guyra’s crucial work for the preservation of environmental resources.

2019: John Burton† CEO of World Land Trust received the “Grito de la Selva” award, in gratitude for the great contribution he has provided to Guyra Paraguay. This recognition is granted since 2008 to people who have stood out for their constant support in protection of nature in Paraguay.

2022: Launch of the Paraguayan Bird Guide in a new updated edition.

2022: Celebrate their 25th anniversary

2023: Guyra Paraguay achieves the historic transfer of 548 hectares to the Mbya Guaraní indigenous community in San Rafael (Bosque Atlántico). This unprecedented event in Paraguay is an example of associative work for the conservation of important areas for biodiversity with cultural values.


Contact Details

CEO/Executive Director: Jose Luis Cartes
