International Tropical Conservation Foundation (ITCF)



The International Tropical Conservation Foundation ITCF is an international charity created and supported by zoos. Set up in 1989 by the Papiliorama Foundation in Kerzers (Switzerland) and the Royal Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem (Netherlands), the ITCF is today still based at the zoos, and legally registered in both countries.  More recently, the ITCF has also been incorporated as a 501c3 charity in the United States of America.

Both ITCF in Switzerland and the Netherlands act as transitory funds for the support garnered among zoo visitors and other donors. These funds are disbursed towards ITCF’s main project, namely the conservation of Belize’s North-eastern forests and other habitats, whereby the board of the ITCFs’ responsibility is to make sure the grants are spent in accordance with the project’s aim.



In 1990, the ITCF created what was then known as Shipstern Nature Reserve, a protected area run by an eponymous local NGO. This entity was rebranded as the Corozal Sustainable Future Initiative (CSFI) to match both scope and diversity of present and future activities. Today, this initial private protected area has become a trust for the People of Belize, and is now known as the Shipstern Conservation and Management Area.


Partnership with WLT

Following a site visit in 2018, CSFI became conservation partners of World Land Trust, working together to create a corridor between the protected areas that CSFI manage in northern Belize. ITCF, being in charge for the overall fundraising to support the CSFI has worked in close partnership with WLT on this and other conservation opportunities in Belize.


Contact Details:

International Project Coordinator: Caspar Bijleveld

ITCF Fund Central Office,
c/o Papiliorama Foundation,
Moosmatte 1, CH-3210 Kerzers,
