Kara-Tunga Foundation (KTF)


Kara-Tunga Foundation (KTF) fosters peace, prosperity and conservation through ecotourism development in Uganda’s Karamoja region. Born from the commercially successful tour operator Kara-Tunga Tours (KT). KTF aims to improve community livelihoods, protect nature, and preserve cultural heritage as a not-for-profit.



KTF is a Ugandan not-for-profit founded in 2021 to develop, manage and monitor the community development activities supported by KT, a tour operator run by Karamoja-born Florence and her son Theo. KT has been heavily involved in such enterprises since the operator was founded in 2016, with 75% of tour proceeds going directly to host communities, local guides and local businesses. This income is managed by organised community groups to invest in livelihoods like small businesses, livestock, agriculture, education, healthcare and emergency support.

View of Mt. Moroto
Partnership with WLT

WLT partnered with KTF in 2022 to assist with its work at the Mt Moroto and Mt Kadam Central Forest Reserves. KTF is prioritising these reserves as restoration hotspots to pilot a new conservation model. The model in each location will consist of:

  • A core zone of approximately 5 ha located both inside and outside Central Forest Reserve borders, purchased and owned by KTF
  • An additional 3 ha as part of the core zone that will house ecotourism activities and be a hub for conservation and agroforestry efforts
  • A buffer zone consisting of a 2,500 ha community-owned conservation area, in which reforestation and agroforestry efforts will take place
  • 1,500 ha managed by KTF within the Central Forest Reserves where reforestation, ecotourism and conservation activities will take place

WLT will be providing the funding for these actions while also supporting four community rangers and the planting of 76,000 trees.



Please see our Uganda page.


Contact Details

CEO/Executive Director: Theodorus Joshua Vos

Website: kara-tunga.com