NATIVA Bolivia (Naturaleza, Tierra y Vida)


To promote balance between human needs and nature for a dignified life.


Partner History

Nativa Bolivia is an NGO founded in Bolivia in 2003. They work to bring effective conservation management and protection to Bolivia. They focus on responding to environmental needs in balance with human social requirements, emphasising sustainable development and conservation.

Night time shot of a Tapir

Partnership with WLT

World Land Trust (WLT) was introduced to Nativa by our operational partners IUCN NL and Nature & Culture International. In 2018, in collaboration with IUCN NL and NCI, WLT began supporting Nativa’s work in the gran chaco. Initial support has been provided to Nativa to work in with the Guaraní Autonomy Charagua Iyambae (AGCHI), the first indigenous autonomy consolidated in the framework of the Plurinal State of Bolivia, to legally formalise the protection of their forest.
WLT’s affiliation has already enabled Nativa to legally protect the 1.2 million hectare Chaco forest conservation area at Ñembi Guasu.



Please see our Bolivia page.


Other projects and activities

  • Supporting various municipalities and local governments to create and manage protected areas that balance conservation with the needs of the local population.
  • Working with local municipalities to develop plans to mitigate against climate change.
  • Supporting 178 partners in beekeeping to help with habitat conservation and to help families become less vulnerable to poverty.
  • Implement good management of livestock, particularly cattle, without compromising the protection of native forests.
  • A commitment to the green development of city Tarija as part of the Sustainable Cities Programme.

Contact details

Iván Arnold,
Avaroa Street No. 462.
Tarija, Bolivia.