Nature Kenya


Connecting nature and people, to promote the study of conservation in Kenya.



Founded in 1909, Nature Kenya is the Kenyan branch of the East Africa Natural History Society, which is the oldest scientific membership conservation organisation in Africa. Initially the organisation was formed by a few individuals to study and collect the plants and wildlife of Kenya.

Leleshwa Reserve Launch, Kinangop, Kenya, credit Nature Kenya

Partnership with WLT

World Land Trust (WLT) was introduced to Nature Kenya in 2006 at a symposium held for WLT Partners in the Netherlands, run by WLT and IUCN National Committee of The Netherlands (IUCN NL). After discussing the urgent need for land protection, WLT undertook a site visit to Kenya to meet with key representatives of Nature Kenya and a partnership was subsequently agreed. In April 2011, as a result of a successful appeal, the Leleshwa Reserve, protecting threatened tussock grassland in the Kinangop Plateau was announced. Also WLT supported land lease in Taita hills to safeguard the critically endangered Taita apalis a bird known to have only 150 breeding pairs endemic to Taita Hills.

WLT also supports rangers working to protect Nature Kenya’s reserves, through our Keepers of the Wild programme.



Reforestation of ecologically sensitive zones with community forest associations in public forest reserve – South Nandi

Creating the Kamale Kilifi Weaver Reserve


Please see our Kenya page.

Other Activities

Habitat and biodiversity monitoring, particularly in Important Bird Areas (IBAs) to identify areas in need of protection;
A community volunteer group works with Nature Kenya to help monitor the Kinangop Grasslands and raise awareness of environmental issues;
Nature Kenya runs eco-resource centres as a base to train local volunteers and guides, as well as hosting school groups to teach about conservation issues;
Publishing research in scientific journals.

Awards and Achievements

2012: In July, Nature Kenya received a Total Eco Challenge Gold Award for inspiring projects that planted one million trees. Total’s Eco Challenge recognises tree planting efforts across Kenya.

A pair of Sokoke Scops Owl sitting on a branch

Contact Details

Executive Director: Paul Matiku
