Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG)

TFCG logo


To improve the conservation of the unique and threatened biodiversity of Tanzania, the country home to Africa’s highest plant diversity, by preserving two crucial forest ecoregions: the coastal forests by the Indian Ocean and the Eastern Arc Mountains. By focusing on these globally recognised hotspots of natural life, TFCG envisages a world in which the protection of biodiversity results in a healthier, safer environment for the present and future generations in Tanzania.



The Tanzania Forest Conservation Group was established in 1985 and is Tanzania’s largest NGO that conserves natural forests. Our partner works through capacity building, advocacy, research, community development and protected area management to achieve their flagship mission. The team comprises professional foresters, biologists and communicators determined to improve how Tanzania’s forests are managed and support the livelihoods of the local communities.

A view of Magombera Reserve
Partnership with WLT

WLT’s link with TFCG goes back to 2016 when we first supported our partner’s project to purchase 6,425 acres (2,600 hectares) of land in the Eastern Arc Mountains. The TFCG-WLT partnership was formally sealed in 2019 following the successful designation of this project – the Magombera Nature Forest Reserve.

Starting in 2020, WLT has been working on a new, separate project with TFCG. Through our dedicated campaign, we will help our partner safeguard 49,000+ acres (20,000+ hectares) of coastal forests in eastern Tanzania. The protected land – part of a wildlife corridor between Rondo Nature Reserve and Selous Game Reserve, used by African Elephant, African Lion, African Leopard and others – will come in the form of 10 new Village Land Forest Reserves in the Lindi region, with local people deciding where the reserves will be created.



Magombera Nature Reserve


Please see our Tanzania page.

Other Activities

TFCG work to bring further benefits to communities to incentivise the conservation of their forest areas, including:

  • Implementing climate-smart agriculture
  • Establishing village savings and loan associations
  • Supporting small-scale tree planting on farms and degraded forest lands
  • Eco-schools programmes
  • Developing long-term financing via carbon (REDD+) project opportunities

Awards and Achievements

Mr Charles K. Meshack, Executive Director of TFCG, received the French Republic’s Human Rights Prize ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity 2020’ for the group’s work on community-based forest management in Tanzania.

TFCG are working with local communities

Contact Details

CEO/Executive Director: Charles Meshack

Website: tfcg.org