Fundación Jocotoco


To protect globally threatened species and ecosystems in Ecuador. Fundación Jocotoco owns fifteen reserves that protect a range of habitats for threatened species, including ones discovered on the reserve as new to science, such as the Jocotoco Antpitta.



Fundación Jocotoco was established in 1998 to protect globally threatened bird species of the Ecuadorian Andes. Since then, they have successfully created fifteen reserves, restored forests and wetlands, and achieved the establishment of a 60,000 km² marine reserve.

Partnership with WLT

Initially approached by Nigel Simpson, a founding Trustee of Fundación Jocotoco, World Land Trust (WLT) has been funding land purchase and protection with Jocotoco since 2003, as part of our conservation work in Ecuador.

There have also been Carbon Balanced projects at three reserves; Buenaventura, Tapichalaca and Yanacocha.

Tree planting has taken place on the Buenaventura, Tapichalaca, Yanacocha and Jorupe reserves since 2006, using funds from WLT’s Reforestation programme.

WLT also supports Fundación Jocotoco through the Keepers of the Wild programme, which funds rangers on our partners’ reserves.



Jorupe Reserve

Narupa Reserve

Tapichalaca Reserve


Saving the Choco, expansion of the Canande Reserve

The Forest of Memories- Ecuador´s First COVID-19 Memorial Forest

Buenaventura Reserve Expansion

Other Activities

Organising community programmes, including environmental education; trialling programmes to increase community income, and developing a national strategy for biodiversity protection with the Ecuadorian government.

Running tree nurseries that grow tens of thousands of seedlings for use in reforestation projects;
Scientific research on topics including the Pale-headed Brush Finch programme, reforestation and the recovery of the Chocó ecosystem.


  • In 2007, the Buenaventura Reserve received an award for promoting eco-tourism to the Province of El Oro area.
  • 2012, national tourism award for establishing a coastal tourism route.
  • 2023, El Oro Parakeet award for conservation achievements.
  • Prevented the extinction of highly threatened species, such as Pale-headed Brushfinch (89% extinction probability), two critically endangered Magnolia species, and many others.
A Pale-headed Brushfinch feeding its chicks at the nest

Contact Details

CEO/Executive Director: Martin Schaefer
