IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL)

IUCN NL (IUCN Netherlands) logo


International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a network of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), states and scientists working to conserve the natural world. IUCN NL is the Netherlands committee of the organisation and is the platform for all IUCN members in the Netherlands. IUCN NL aims to contribute, from its specific Dutch situation and context, to the conservation and sustainable management of nature and natural resources in an international perspective.



IUCN NL members met for the first time in 1978 and the committee was formally acknowledged by IUCN in 1996.


Partnership with WLT

IUCN NL and World Land Trust (WLT) have collaborated for several years and independently funded some of the same projects. This led to increased communication between the two organisations and later the collaborative efforts between WLT and IUCN NL formed a foundation for a more formal partnership


Symposia and workshops

Beginning in 2006, IUCN NL and the WLT have organised a series of symposia with the aim of encouraging active exchange of knowledge between overseas project partners. These occasional meetings provide unique opportunities to discuss key issues such as Land Purchase as an Effective Tool for Conservation (2006), Financial Sustainability for Projects (2008) and Payment for Ecological Services (2009).

More recently we have worked together to develop a training programme on the use of Carbon as a Funding Mechanism for Conservation for African NGOs. This has led to a strong ‘Conservation Alliance’ with unparalleled knowledge and experience, all working towards the same goal of nature conservation.


Other projects and activities

Projects funded include: capacity building, land purchase, ecotourism, poverty alleviation, education and training, and ecosystem management.


Contact Details

Executive Director: Coenraad Krijger

IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands
Plantage Middenlaan 2K
1018 DD Amsterdam
